Is Polished Concrete Flooring Ideal for an Apartment Complex?

If you hear the words “concrete flooring”, you might think about home improvement stores, factories, and industrial facilities. However, those aren’t the only place you can use concrete flooring. If you polish concrete, it will offer a shiny look that appears elegant. Aside from that, it also holds up to things such as pet claws, high heels, and high foot traffic.  


Because of this special aesthetic appearance and durability, polished concrete flooring in Jacksonville may be the ideal flooring for an apartment complex.  

Though it’s an excellent choice for flooring, it does not mean that you can install it on all areas of your property. Today, we’re going to share with you some tips on where to install polished concrete flooring. 

Apartment Dining areas and Entryways 

If you plan to install polished concrete flooring in your apartment’s hallways, it makes a lot of sense that you install it inside particular areas of your property as well. 

For instance, you can easily design entryways with polished concrete. Also, it might be more cost-effective to install polished concrete in the dining area of your apartment if it’s adjacent to the entryway. The best thing about polished concrete is that you can clean it easily.  

Don’t worry if you think that concrete is too heavy for your property. If your apartment is built and designed properly, it will be able to support concrete flooring. 

Community Hallways 

One area of your apartment complex that takes a lot of beatings is the apartment hallways. Consider the regular foot traffic from tenants and the extra traffic from guests coming in and out.  

A polished concrete flooring will easily hold up to constant foot traffic. They operate a lot better compared to carpet. 


Polished concrete is a great option if you plan to update the basic concrete slabs on your patio.  

What Places Should You Avoid Installing Polished Concrete? 

Yes, you’ve read it right. If you’re planning to install polished concrete in every single area of your apartment complex, you might be doing something bad. Not every area in your property deserves polished concrete. This includes: 


Concrete floors absorb liquids, such as water, even if you polish them. Stains will happen and odors will stay. You don’t want these things to happen, right? 

Kitchens and Grilling Areas 

A polished concrete floor will appear disgusting if there’s a lot of cooking grease on it. Aside from the floor absorbing the oils from your stove or grill, the odor and stain will probably linger as well. 

Pool Decks 

Since polished concrete isn’t slippery even when wet, you might think that it’s an excellent choice for your pool deck. Unfortunately, that is not the case. You’ll face several issues if you install polished concrete for your pool deck. 

  • The look of polished concrete will change due to the chemicals in the pool water. 
  • Sunscreen and tanning oils will make polished concrete look slick. 
  • If you install polished concrete on your pool deck, it becomes extremely hot under the sun. 

For kitchens, pool decks, and bathrooms, there is a lot of other floorings to choose from.